Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Song/Poem

Just Sell Everything

I wanna move out west 
And live in a trailer
On desert sand.

Just sell everything
And start all over
Just sell everything
Wanna start all over again.

I wanna wear sundresses 
With cowboy boots
For the rest of my days.

Just sell everything
And start all over
Just sell everything
Gonna start all over again.

I wanna drive a
Muscle car and leave
The dust behind me.

Just sell everything
And start all over
Just sell everything
Startin' all over again.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Art Guitars Finished

Finished the guitar paintings with the help of a new silver paint pen to do the frets and outlining.  


As usual, I thought of a better idea when it was too late--I could have done each one monochromatically, so they would be easier to look at, and I could make sure I had 4 light/dark values in each one. Oh well, next time. :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guitars continued

Backgrounds finished
And body colors...still a lot more to do.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Progress on Mixed Media Guitars

So far, here are the first steps of my new paintings.

3x9" sketches to go on 10x30" canvases

penciled on

gluing magazine cutouts as collage in background

4 backgrounds done, now I have to rest my back before continuing!