Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Song/Poem

Just Sell Everything

I wanna move out west 
And live in a trailer
On desert sand.

Just sell everything
And start all over
Just sell everything
Wanna start all over again.

I wanna wear sundresses 
With cowboy boots
For the rest of my days.

Just sell everything
And start all over
Just sell everything
Gonna start all over again.

I wanna drive a
Muscle car and leave
The dust behind me.

Just sell everything
And start all over
Just sell everything
Startin' all over again.


  1. wow, i love it. it's very evocative. it's like watching a movie set in the west, with slide guitar playing. i would also like to disappear into the desert someday - i have a picture on my wall of a trailer in the middle of nowhere. and it does seem like a song - you could put it to music. :)

  2. Thanks, you're too nice. Wow, what a coincidence--your poster. I wonder if the trailer is one of those very old ones, rounded and shiny silver?
