Sunday, September 23, 2012

"On The Road" Sign Paintings

Set of 3 travel signs based on photos of desert & Rt 66 signs. Each is 10" square on stretched canvas with the sides painted black. Took me forever to finish these due to procrastination...:) 

Can't wait to start on something new. I have 3 blank 18 x 24" canvases staring at me in the living room waiting for me to decide what to paint on them. Trees, Dolphins, Pottery, Beach....too many choices. I like doing big triptychs that you can hang over the sofa.


  1. Oh these are cool - very nostalgic. I like the sky backgrounds. Where are you going to hang these?

    My favorite signs and buildings when I was a kid were the Howard Johnsons. I always wanted to eat in them. Then they started changing their building designs and I was like, what? Why?

    Good luck on your next project!

  2. LOL!! I know what you mean! And I mentioned Howard Johnson's in my blog on the other website! I like the old 1950's style counter stools and tables & accessories and having your own jukebox at each table...Diner art--maybe that's what I should try doing!

    I don't know where to hang them...

