Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tootsie Roll

Another candy painting. I'm learning how much I love the painting part and not the drawing part of art. I am doubtful of my representing the light and shadows accurately. But I just bought a book on Amazon that should help (Color and Light by John Gurney). Until then, this will have to do. But I do like it. I plan to do at least one more candy and hang them all together. So far there's a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, a Snickers, and this Tootsie Roll. Next I will do either a Peppermint Patty or a KitKat.

Some of the steps in making this painting:

Monday, February 10, 2014

More Valentine's cards

Cards made from photos I took today.

Valentine's card designs

A couple photos made into cards designs with Picasa 3 software. Used focal BW, increased shadows, cropped to 5x7 ratio, applied orton effect and/or hdr effect,  and saturated the color...not in that order.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Snickers Fun Size Candy Bar painted on a 12" square strecthed canvas with acrylic paint. This was pretty easy. No problems at all. Except for my lack of motivation and confidence. Once I ignore that, it's really easy. I love doing these candy and food still lifes. Trying to make a lot of them and maybe sell them later this year. Meanwhile it's fun.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Donuts 2

I always wanted to do a "painting a day." Well I finally sped it up and did this one in 2 days! It is one square foot, acrylic on stretched canvas. I took me approximately 4 or 5 hours. Getting better at my painter's block. I'm counting calories now and this painting makes my mouth water. It is based on a  photo I took months ago of donuts inside the box. Coconut, a plain, a jelly, and my favorite--a chocolate covered white cream-filled.

It matches one I did a few months ago, as seen below.