Friday, December 18, 2015

Recent Practice Paintings/Drawing, 4 good, 3 not so much

 From a lesson on how to paint "Sand and Foam" in an art book I bought at Michael's. Very happy with the bottom 1/2 of the painting! Top would be better if I wasn't painting on top of an old textured painting.

A pencil sketch that I then edited in Picasa to increase the value range, and I added a frame and matte effect. I did this to see if I could still draw. Took about 75 mins. Good, but I don't enjoy drawing. I'd rather paint.

This is an exercise in value range for myself. I finally got around to testing out the 2 free Atelier Interactive Paints I got last summer. Pthalo Blue and Titanium White. Done on paper. Frame and matte from Picasa. 

A quick painting based on a lesson I purchased from a great Australian artist online.

Next was trying out painting the patterns of the surface of ocean water. I don't like it.

And this was based on a YouTube lesson. I hate it--they look cartoonish with the black.

More surface waves--I don't like them at all. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Beach Chairs Paintings set

I did this 2 piece painting on a pair of 15" x 30" stretched canvases with acrylic paint. Sides are painted black. This is my favorite painting that I've done to date!

Close Ups:

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Border Collie and Rottweiler Paintings

I did these for 2 friends who live across the country. They love their dogs and i wanted to surprise them with a nice thank you gift for being so supportive of my art.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Daisies painting

Same size and texture and style as my "Starfish and Lighthouse" painting. I like the colors in this one. Very cheery.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Starfish and Lighthouse Painting

I think I am finding my own style of painting (at least one of them). I primed the canvas and made texture and drip spots on it then painted over it in glazes making watercolor-like layers and I also used sand medium on this one for the starfish. I made a pattern with painters tape and smeared it on and then painted it after it dried. I like the end result. I like this textured but soft style too. Maybe it will look good on my underwater pieces when I get around to doing them.

Starfish and Lighthouse

Close ups

Sunday, March 15, 2015

2 New Paintings

Two recent paintings, using new tools and techniques to create original abstract paintings. 

Colorful Cityscape 18x24"

Non-representational Abstract 12x24"

Thursday, January 29, 2015

4 Valentine's Day Candy Paintings

Each 5x7" on stretched canvas. Very happy with the set, especially the chocolate cherry.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Peanut M&Ms Painting

First painting of the year. Goes with my other 4 candy paintings. 12x12" stretched canvas. Acrylic paint. Yummy art.