Sunday, May 22, 2016

Good Things Keep Happening

Good things keep happening in the area of my art. This morning I got an email from telling me that my painting "Ten Cardinals in Birch Trees" was featured on their homepage! It's in the form of an iPhone case, first one in the second row. It's listed on the Found! part. I guess one of their curators chose it and that's how it got there. I was so surprised! 

So it's a brand new kind of recognition. And nothing motivates me more! (aside from getting PAID) I can't wait to paint more paintings!

Next I plan on doing some stormy skies. Maybe with land, maybe with water. But definitely want to work on clouds. Try to incorporate the golden ratio and proportions into the landscape too. 

After that, I want to try impressionist cityscapes. Then night scenes, And of course I can always do more food!

Once I have a few series done, I will be trying to sell again. Or maybe even display them somewhere. IDK where exactly...

And I have to get going on making my website!!

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