Monday, August 14, 2017

Pair of paintings--Grapes and Apples

I learned a lot in doing these two pieces. I am finally getting to where I wished I could be 4 or 5 yrs ago. When I put these in groups called "realism" on artist print on demand sites, I don't wonder if I'll be judged not good enough for the category. I think I'm where I wanted to get as far as technique and effect. But I need to find more interesting subjects one of these days. I mean apples are boring. But it doesn't matter to me because when I paint, all paintings are challenging and fun!


Sunday, August 6, 2017

New Paintings

I finally got around to painting again. These were supposed to be practice paintings and so I did them on canvas sheets instead of stretched canvas.


B is for Bananas

A Whole Bunch

Lime Sourball

 And my favorite one so far...
Silver Cup with Grapes

There were others but they didn't make the cut, lol.