Monday, May 7, 2018

Paintings since the beginning of 2018

Watercolor on 5x7" canvases: 


Acrylic on canvas and on wood. Trying to study the effects of light. The umbrella should have the sun coming right thru the fabric, not blocked like it is here. But after many tries I was finally happy with the water. The sunset--who knew how much brown is in the sky? This was only a value and color study in one layer of paint. I never finished it with more layers.



Mini 2" versions of a large painting I was doing of a lemon and apple:

Larger than life 18x24" Lemon and Apple

Bacon, eggs, pancakes, etc, Befores and Afters: 6x6"

No before, just an after.

Set of miniature breakfast plates--each of these is 2" square:

Fried Eggs and Homefries 10x20" deep canvas, ref photo from pixabay. I plan to make a lunch, dinner, dessert, and snack to go with this breakfast.

2 restaurants here in the southwest. I love the architecture here. Both 11x14" deep canvas and based on my own reference photos. Again challenging myself with different lighting--one with setting sun glowing on the side of the building and the other a dusk scene brightened up with different lighting.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello! I would like to ask for your permission for using your painting The Gay Pride Cake as a backgroud of my tumblr blog called charlievsuniverse. I have set it there already to show you how it looks like (writing on the painting is the name of the blog and it is formatted like this by Tumblr, I have not altered your art in any way). If you deny, please answer this comment or contact me on tumblr or e-mail:
    Thank you for considering my request!
