Saturday, March 19, 2016

Peanut Butter and Fluff Still Life Painting

I've been so depressed for a week now. None of my paintings I started in the last few months are coming out. Seven failures. I felt like giving up. I wrote some not so positive sentences in my journal and then wandered into the kitchen to make a list and go shopping.

But I'm too depressed to go anywhere. I stood there looking at the loaf of bread on the counter. I opened the lazy susan. There was a jar of peanut butter and the fluff to go with it, sitting there, looking quite attractive. The next thing I knew I was setting up a small still life on the table and painting...and this little 9 x 12 acrylic still life was the result!

I took photos every 20 minutes to see how much progress I made in intervals. I did it in one sitting too! I've also never "painted from life." I'm glad to see I can do it! And I love this messier style. Total time was 2.5 hrs. Yay, I'm out of my slump.

Changed the muddy background.

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