Friday, November 2, 2012

Chocolate Cake!!!

Acrylic on stretched canvas. 18x24". First time I'm painting "white" with color in the shading and highlighting rather than just brown. Probably could've done it with more intensity, but I'm just getting started. Next, I have to finish my pair of yellow cupcakes!



  1. Wow, it's so realistic! How did you do the chocolate cake part? I love the blue icing, and how you signed your name with it too.
    Are you hanging these on your walls?

  2. Thanks Brian! The cake part was easy--just used a short-bristled brush and 2 different colored brown paints. They are transparent, so I had to do it a couple times over. Dab it over and over til you cover it. I tried to make the one side lighter and I think I put a wash over the cake too to smooth it out a little. I can't wait to do a yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

    I'm trying to experiment with new techniques I learned on YouTube. And I feel inspired to paint lately. In the past, it was like I'd do a good painting once in a while. And I swear i didn't know how I did it. It felt horrible, not knowing, and therefore not being able to do it again. But now I am really trying to learn techniques and improve, rather than having something come out good by accident! Lol. Now when I do something, I know how and could do it again. I wish I could take classes, but I can't afford it.

    Yes, I might hang them in the kitchen. I showed/emailed my father the chocolate cake and he and his wife said it would look good in a local bakery :) Yes it would....if only I could go in and sell stuff cold--I don't think so!!!

    Talk to you soon!
