Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ketchup and Salt

Another little still life, 12 x 12". 5 hrs altogether.  It was based on a photo I took at our table at a local diner recently. I could've done more work on this, but I liked it how it stands. I learned quite a bit this time. this is the first time I've tried glass objects, and all the colors in the white areas. It was a fun painting!

Laying in colors and values

More, toast and salt shaker

Close-up, not finished

More details added

Close-up of finished painting

Finished "Ketchup and Salt"

On my wall in the kitchen

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Soft Pretzels with Cheese Dip

Another painting. 12" x 12" square stretched canvas with acrylic paint. It's fun painting food! My favorite parts are the foil top of the cheese dip and the salt.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Here's my latest painting, Donuts, just finished today. I'm very happy with it. It took 4 hours of painting time, and a whole week of artist's block! :) Here's the evolution of the painting. It's based on a photo I took (last photo). And it's 12" square. Kind of small for me, but I think I like this size!

Peanut donut

Cinnamon bun and cream filled

Chocolate frosting

Darken darks and work on cinnamon bun

White cream, hilites on chocolate, and glaze on bun

Add a few crumbs, and sign!

And here is the reference photo I used. It was dull, so I "ortonized" it to bring out more vivid coloring.

Photo I created and used to do this painting.